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Randomized loadouts. Ridiculous weapons.

Whenever you join a game of Virus, the weapon loadout is randomized.


Dual Silencers

Two guns are better than one. Primary fire shoots the left pistol; secondary shoots the right. Use this combo to your advantage and- wait. This description sounds vaguely familiar.


This 9mm pistol is surprisingly powerful, and can take out infected with just a couple shots.

Flak Gun

Fires an impossibly powerful burst of flak. Watch out for the spread, and the low ammo count.

Sci-Fi Handgun

Stolen straight from your favorite science-fiction movie, this pistol follows the traditional law that says that all lasers must bounce at least twice.

Machine Guns

Tommy Gun

Pretend you're in the '40s with this sweet gun.

Plasma AutoRifle

Rechargable AND eco-friendly! How much better can it get? Oh, it shoots plasma bursts?


Equipped with a zoom function, this gun is slightly smarter than the average gun.


Double Barrel Shotgun

Pried out of the hands of a dead Mississippi man, this double barreled shotgun is immensely powerful.

Sonic Shotgun

Primary fire acts like a normal shotgun, however, secondary fire charges up and will fire a shot that sends infected flying. Try to aim them away from your friends. Or don't.



Press C to shoot yourself up with adrenaline, and you can run away from the infected slightly faster. Try not to have a heart attack.

Sniper Rifle

Turn the battlefield into a point-and-click adventure game.


Lob a bundle of TNT somewhere, and watch it blow up like a proximity mine despite having a timer on it.
Most weapon models were not created by our team. Models were acquired at FPS Banana.