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The Theater... the place to be if you want just sit back and watch videos provided by YouTube or Livestream. Share synced YouTube videos with anyone in the theater. Watch full length movies on scheduled movie nights.

Rich YouTube System

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Add, promote, or vote remove any YouTube video.

Simply press and hold Q to display the interactive menu on the left of your screen. Copy and paste a YouTube URL into the list and it'll be instantly added and queued for showing to all.
You can also just paste a YouTube URL directly to chat and it'll automatically add it for you!
The system is fully automatic and is perfect for watching all of the best of YouTube with your friends.

Cartoon Cartoon Fridays

Every Friday in the GMT theater Cartoon Cartoon Fridays takes place, where 5 episodes of pre-2004 cartoons are played.

Players can post cartoons to be played on the night, and once all shows have been shown, a forum poll takes place to decide which was the best episode of them all.

The person who posted the winning cartoon will receive 2000 GMC.
Cartoon Cartoon Fridays are hosted by Massaki.